Thursday, October 22, 2015

What is Muharram?

Every year on the eve of Muharram; we see people from a community comes out on road chanting “Ya Hussain”, beating themselves, crying and lamenting.
  • Have you ever wondered who these people are?
  • Why are they doing this?
  • What is this Muharram?
  • Is that relates to “ME” as well?

Muharram is actually the first month of Islamic Calendar which is also called as Hijri Calendar which runs as per lunar cycle. In this month, in 61 Hijri, 1400 years ago, grandson of Holy Prophet Mohammad, Imam Hussain (a) and his 72 companions were brutally martyred in the barrens of Karbala, Iraq by the evil forces of ruler of that time, Yazeed.

Yazeed was an evil ruler who wanted to impose evil practices in the society on the name of religion and wants to dilute the social values. The values which shape the social fabric and give rise to positive upliftment of society and thus a peaceful environment to everyone to grow and prosper. Imam Hussain (a), with his handful of companions and household, stood against the corrupt mission of Yazeed saving the human values.

Yazeed surrounded the small caravan of Imam Hussain (a) in the desert of Karbala and stopped water on them. The caravan consisting of men, women and children even of the age of six months were thirsty for three days, and then were forced either to accept the evil policies of Yazeed or get ready for martyrdom.

Companions of Imam Hussain (a) stood with him at this juncture and denied the offer from Yazeedi forces to bow down in front of evil and accepted the martyrdom. The evil forces of Yazeed not only murdered elderly men but also killed six month old baby Ali Asgar in the arms of his father, Imam Hussain (a). After the battle, they took ladies & children of the caravan as captive and sent them to Syria in front of Yazeed.

In beloved memory of this revolutionary caravan of Imam Hussain (a), Muharram is commemorated every year on 10th of Muharram, which is also called as Aashura. Believers held congregations also known as “Majalis” at various locations, take out juloos (Processions) carrying “Alam” (a flag signifying the flag of Karbala & truth), and beat themselves showing the grief and desire that if we were present at the time of Karbala, we would have presented ourselves in the way of truth.

The caravan of truth started by Imam Hussain (a) is still going on. Every year, Muharram revives the oath of all freedom lovers and truth seekers that the fight is still on and we have to strive against all kinds of evils within ourselves and around us.

Whenever we see corruption and evil practices around us and feel that we are alone and how can we combat with the evil forces; message of Muharram motivates each one of us to take strong stand against the oppressors, even if our numbers are less.

Today, history is witness that the evil ruler Yazeed has vanished but the name of Imam Hussain (a) is still alive and the lessons which he delivered through his stand will remain forever till the end. Lesson of Imam Hussain (a) & Muharram is for whole of humanity and only through this message; we can make earth a better place to live.