Wednesday, July 29, 2015

How to think and deliberate over the Noble Qur’an

It would be appropriate to present an example for showing the method of deliberation over the Qur’an and understanding its meaning. For example, someone who recites the following verse:

“Have you observed the water which you drink?” - Noble Qur’an (56:68)

Should not limit himself only to think about the phrase water and its apparent meanings and taste, rather should ponder about it from various dimensions.

For example: He should pause and think all the plants of various colors, different species of animals which are found in this world all have been created by this water. He must think about the human being who has been created with water; in addition to his having apparent visible capabilities such as eyes, ears, and tongue also possesses inner-self and strange inner-power so much astonishing that it could help ascend him towards the most higher sublime spiritual stations.

He must ponder that this same man created by water possesses an inner-self so marvelous, astonishing, and vast as though the entire world of creation has been miniature in his inner-self; it is from this consideration that he is regarded as a separate entity called a smaller world (jahan-e-asghar) as compared to the world of creation which is called the greater-world (jahan-e-akbar). And in accordance to a more delicate and sophisticated interpretation a human being represents a greater-world as compared to the world of creation being a smaller world.

Reference:- Spritual Journey of the Mystics(Suluk e Irfaan) - By Late Haj Mirza Javad Agha Malaki Tabrizi(R.A.)

Monday, July 27, 2015

Understanding the meanings of the Noble Qur’an - 2

In some aspects, as is evident from the following quotations from the Commander of the Faithful Imam ‘Ali (peace be upon him):

                     “I am the speaking Qur’an.”
The reality of Qur’an is similar to the reality of the existence of the Noble Prophet (peace be upon him and his family) and the sinless Imams (peace be upon him) of his Ahlul-Bayt. 
Yes! The Noble Qur’an possesses a reality so much higher and exalted which cannot be reached through our limited and insignificant amount of knowledge, as Allah (Glory and Greatness be to Him), Himself has mentioned in the Noble Qur’an:
“Which none touch save the purified.”
                                                     - Noble Qur’an (56:79)

Since, the understanding of Qur’an’s reality, would lead to the understanding of its grandeur, understanding of its grandeur will manifest the Splendor and Majesty of its Descender (i.e. Allah); the one who will comprehend all the above, will keep his mind free from all sorts of scattered thoughts during recital of the Noble Qur’an, will ponder and deliberate about the meaning of each phrase and sentence in order to discover their meanings and goals; and the one who will do so, will earn plenty of goodness and a lot of advantage.

Reference:- Spritual Journey of the Mystics(Suluk e Irfaan) - By Late Haj Mirza Javad Agha Malaki Tabrizi(R.A.)

Understanding the meanings of the Noble Qur’an

About the understanding of Meanings of the Noble Qur’an, in a nutshell it may be said that it should be understood that the reality of Qur’an is something behind these phrases written on the paper, seen by our eyes, recited by the tongue, and heard by the ears; it is a light from Allah’s celestial illumination, which has reflection, glory, and manifestation for all the worlds of existence, whose every reflection and manifestation contain special effects. 
In the Hereafter, it will be manifested in a form similar to the faces of prophets, angels, and favorite saints, would speak in the same form and would intercede before Allah (Glory and Greatness be to Him). 
In summary it is a glory from Allah’s Glories and a manifestation from Allah’s Manifestations.

Reference:- Spritual Journey of the Mystics(Suluk e Irfaan) - By Late Haj Mirza Javad Agha Malaki Tabrizi(R.A.)

Etiquette of recital of the Noble Qur’an

As Allah (Glory and Greatness be to Him), has said in the following verse:
“Will they then not meditate on the Qur’an, or are there locks on the hearts.” - 
Noble Qur’an (47:24)

Those who do not ponder over the Noble Qur’an have been reprimanded severely. The first and important instruction and etiquette of Qur’anic recital is deliberation and pondering of the recited verse, because whoever will recite the Noble Qur’an with deliberations inevitably will discover the splendor and majesty of Qur’an and its bearer, and its meanings and contents to the extent of his deliberation and pondering. 
And this awareness and understanding will become a cause which would enable him to keep his mind and conscience away from scattered thinking during recital; thus, increasing understanding about the meanings and objectives of the Noble Qur’an in his deliberations. 
He should renounce whatever acts as obstacles in closing the path of understanding, and whatever positive and negative commands, advice, and exhortations are encountered by him must regards them as though all of them have been revealed especially for him.

Reference:- Spritual Journey of the Mystics(Suluk e Irfaan) - By Late Haj Mirza Javad Agha Malaki Tabrizi(R.A.)