Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Political advice of Ayatullah Behjat R.A.

The role of the United Nations in weakening poor countries

If the disbelievers say such and overpower us we would say:

‘The United Nations who claim to be after human rights do not support weak governments.
They do not try to empower them or allow them to progress.

If they speak the truth, they would not have started the Second World War.
They are not only opposed to religion; they are also opposed to the intellect.

(Dar Mahzar-i Hazrat Ayatollah Bahjat, v.1, p.316)

Practical step to reach the Highest Spiritual Station

Ayatullah Behjat (RA) was asked, give me a practical step to reach the highest spiritual station,

he would quote this Hadith from the Holy Prophet (PBUH),

your biggest spiritual problem is your sinfulness and

your solution is istigfar, sincerely return to Allah.

Some guidelines by Ayatullah Behjat

When people said they wanted to be like Salman Farsi what should they do. 

He would respond by saying that whatever the Holy Prophet taught his companions is contained in the Quran and Nahjul Balgaha there is nothing more that.

The difference is in the receptivity of the companion. Who is keen to listen, understand and act upon it.

Even if you are with the Prophet what is the point if you are like Abu Jahal

The guidance is there but where is the receptive heart, the commitment.

How to reach the highest level of Spiritual perfection - II

He (Ayatullah Behjat (R.A.) would be asked, I can't get up for salat e Fajr, what can I do? 

He would advise, pray all your other salaats on time and Allah will give you the strength to wake up for Fajr.

It's all about discipline and self control, forget everything else and attend to Allah. Think Allah is a priority. If you practice this it will become part of your life.

How to reach the highest level of Spiritual perfection

According to Ayatullah Behjat (R.A.),

if you want to reach the highest level of Spiritual perfectionread Salat on time. A simple piece of advice.

He was asked, please show us the way.

He replied, Why don't you come for the Majlis of Imam Hussain (a.s.),

                  Why don't you pray Jamaat at the mosque.

Few thoughts on the issue of concentration during prayer

Here are a few thoughts from His Eminence Ayatullah Behjat on the issue of concentration during prayers.

Sheikh Muhsin Gharavian was once granted audience in the presence of Ayatullah al-Udhma Shaikh Muhammad Taqi Behjat and asked him: “O Scholar! Despite our advanced age we haven’t have yet experienced the pleasure of worship especially the sweetness of communication with God in salaat. According to your opinion what should we do to experience even a little pleasure of what our Infallible Imams have promised us?”

His eminence nodded his head and said: (Dear son)“Actually this is a universal problem. All of us are plagued with this ailment.”

The Sheikh was not satisfied with the answer and requested him for more concrete advice: “Our status differs from that which you have achieved, you’ve attained the heights of spirituality while we are the beginners! what should we do?”

His Eminence said: “May be I also wish I could acquire your status!”

Not contented with the self-effacing answer, he requested for more clarification. His Eminence replied: “In order to acquire the necessary concentration in Salaah one should observe

a) certain pre-requisites before Salaah and

b)certain discipline during Salaah.

before Salaah one should observe Taqwa (God consciousness)and one should abstain from all sins that lead to darkening of the God-given purity of heart. SINS POLLUTE THE PURITY OF THE HEART and therefore reduce the luminosity of the heart.

during Salaah one should erect a “high security wire” around one’s heart such that no unwanted tresspasser (distracting devilish thoughts) is allowed inside the holy sanctuary of the heart. One’s thoughts should be intensely directed towards God and none other than Him should be allowed in. And if one’s thoughts start straying, immediately the moment one comes to know, one should guide these towards the right direction.